No bare hand contact with RTE foods or approved alternate method properly followed
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
Food workers observed using bare hands for preparing ready to eat food. Disposable gloves, deli tissue, tongs or similar utensils must be used to prevent bare hand contact with ready to eat food.
Food separated & protected
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Inspector Comments
Raw meat was stored above scrapple in the walk-in cooler. Always store raw TCS products under ready to eat foods.
Bag of onions were stored on the floor of the walk-in cooler. Food must be stored at least 6inches above the floor.
In-use utensils: properly stored
Inspector Comments
Observed ice scream scoops stored in standing water.
During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils may be stored:
- in running water of sufficient velocity to flush particulates to the drain.
- in a container of water if the water is maintained at a temperature of at least 135°F and the container is cleaned at frequency
- in a clean, protected location/container if the utensils, such as scoops, are used only with a food that is not potentially hazardous
Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed, & used
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
Observed a metal plate being used as a scooper. Scoopers must have handles and the handle cannot touch the food between uses.