Inspection Report
A1 Japanese Steak House
Inspection Date: 10/30/2024
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Hands clean & properly washed
Inspector Comments
Food employees observed not washing their hands as required before putting on gloves, after changing tasks and before handling clean tableware, equipment, utensils.
CFSM must review hand washing requirements with staff.
Food separated & protected
Inspector Comments
Bowls of salad, staged on large sheet pans, are stacked upon each other in a kitchen area 2-door refrigerator. No barrier is present between the bottom of each sheet pan, and the ready-to-eat salad below. Items in salad are being contacted by adjacent sheet pans.
A physical barrier (plastic wrap or equivalent) must be provided to protect food from contamination.
Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
1. Pepsi soda spout on the server area beverage dispenser contains a slimy, mold-like accumulation.
2. Soda gun at the bar is unclean with a mold-like substance.
Detail clean and sanitize affected food contact equipment prior to next use.
Beverage dispenser spout and soda gun were removed for cleaning during inspection.
Proper cold holding temperature
Inspector Comments
Eggs in the TurboAir 2-door refrigerator were measured at 47°F.
Time/temperature control for safety (TCS) food must be cold held at or below 41ºF.
Ambient temperature in unit was measured at 42°F.
Per CFSM, refrigeration unit has been opened continuously during lunch service.
Monitor temperature to ensure that products within are being held at 41°F and below.
Approved thawing methods used
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
Sealed, individually packaged fully thawed reduced oxygen Tuna was found in the walk-in cooler.
Handling instructions note to keep frozen and open packaging prior to thawing under refrigeration. Introducing oxygen to product prior to thawing under refrigeration eliminates conditions (temperatures above 38ºF and without oxygen) conducive to the growth of Clostridium botulinum type E.
Affected product was measured at 40°F and discarded during inspection.
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons
Inspector Comments
1. Numerous dead and alive German cockroaches were observed on glue boards, on floors throughout the facility.
Discard glue boards and replace with new and date accordingly.
Clean affected areas.
2. Mouse droppings observed on floor in alcohol/soda syrup room and in the utility room.
Remove droppings and clean affected areas to effectively monitor pest activity.
3. Fruit flies observed in facility.
Contact facility’s exterminator with findings and for additional monitoring and/or treatment.
Pest control logs from Orkin (September visit) was reviewed during inspection.
Physical facilities installed, maintained, & clean
Inspector Comments
Grout between floor tiles in the kitchen (particularly in warewashing area) has deteriorated. Resulting void is easily filled with liquid, food waste, debris, etc.
Repair or replace grout to provide a surface which is smooth, easily cleanable and non-absorbent.
A1 Japanese Steak House
Inspection Date: 08/13/2024
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Adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
Metal ice scoop and large container of dish soap found in handwashing sink upon arrival.
A handwashing facility shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for employee use.
Affected items were removed during inspection.
Proper cold holding temperature
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
Shrimp in a drop-in pan sitting above the frost line of the prep unit (top) was measured at 47°F.
Time/temperature control for safety (TCS) food must be cold held at or below 41ºF.
Affected product was relocated to the walk-in cooler to reach proper cold-holding temperature.
Proper cold holding temperature
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
Large bus-tub container of white rice on a prep table was measured at 58°F. Per staff, rice was cooling from being cooked earlier in morning. Ambient temperature in kitchen was measured at 67°F. Product could not reach this temperature through cooling in ambient conditions.
Affected product was discarded during inspection.
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
German cockroach was observed in handwashing sink.
Affected pest was removed and discarded during inspection.
Contact facility’s exterminator with findings and for additional monitoring and/or treatment.
Pest control service report from 07-16-24 was reviewed during inspection.
A1 Japanese Steak House
Inspection Date: 04/01/2024
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Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
Soda gun nozzle and rubber holster at the bar contain a pink, slimy, bacteria-like substance.
Detail clean and sanitize soda gun nozzle and holster prior to next use.
Affected items were cleaned and sanitized during inspection.
Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
Food employee was observed washing and rinsing pans at the 3-compartment sink and placing back into use as clean without first sanitizing.
Sink was set up with quaternary ammonium compounds sanitizing solution at 200 ppm during inspection.
CFSM reviewed washing, rinsing and sanitizing procedures with employees during inspection.
Approved thawing methods used
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
Sealed, individually packaged fully thawed reduced oxygen fish products (tilapia) were found in the sushi area lowboy refrigerator. Handling instructions require product to be kept frozen; open packaging prior to thawing under refrigeration. Introducing oxygen to product prior to thawing under refrigeration eliminates conditions (temperatures above 38ºF and without oxygen) conducive to the growth of Clostridium botulinum type E.
Affected product was measured at 37 ºF. Packaging was opened during inspection and placed back into refrigeration.
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons
Inspector Comments
1. (2) Dead mice found on glue board in the utility room.
2. Mouse droppings observed on floor in far end of bar and on floor near the office.
3. Dead and alive cockroaches observed on glue boards at bar and in front of kitchen.
Remove and discard droppings and mice and roaches. Clean affected areas.
Contact facility’s exterminator with findings and for additional monitoring and/or treatment.
Physical facilities installed, maintained, & clean
Inspector Comments
Grout has deteriorated in several areas of the kitchen floor. Standing liquid remains in voids between floor tiles. Repair or replace grout to provide surfaces which are smooth, easily cleanable and non-absorbent and to reduce conditions conducive to pest activity.
A1 Japanese Steak House
Inspection Date: 10/13/2023
(View Inspection Report)
Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
1. Lexan storage containers above the 3-compartment sink, designated as clean, were found to contain food debris and residue.
Affected containers were removed to the warewashing area during inspection to be properly cleaned and sanitized.
2. Spouts on the beverage dispenser were unclean with debris and mold-like accumulation.
Beverage spouts must be detail cleaned and sanitized before use.
CFSM addressed during inspection.
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons
Inspector Comments
1. Mouse droppings observed in the following areas:
* Utility room.
* Hot water heater closet.
* Floor to left of kitchen double-entry doors.
2. Dead roaches found in the following areas:
* Hibachi stations.
* Hot water heater closet.
Most recent pest control service report (10-12-23) reviewed during inspection.
Report copy uploaded to inspection report attachments.
A1 Japanese Steak House
Inspection Date: 09/29/2023
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Proper eating, tasting, drinking, or tobacco use
Inspector Comments
Unlidded, half-full beverage cup found on cook-line prep area.
Employee observed drinking from aforementioned cup while on cook-line.
An employee may not eat, drink or use any form of tobacco unless the use occurs in designated areas where the contamination of exposed food; clean equipment, utensils and linens; unwrapped single-service and single-use articles; or other items needing protection cannot result.
Adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
Inspector Comments
Handwashing sink adjacent to the 3-compartment sink is unclean with debris and is not accessible due to bus tubs being stacked on the bowl.
Tubs were removed during inspection.
Handwashing sink must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.
Food separated & protected
Inspector Comments
Bowls of in-house prepared salads are placed on sheet trays and stacked upon one another in the BeverageAir 2-door refrigerator. Bottom of sheet pans are directly contacting ready-to-eat food of the salads below.
Line each tray of salads with plastic wrap to prevent contamination.
Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized
Inspector Comments
1. Wares (stainless steel colanders, lexan storage containers), designated as clean, were found to contain food debris and residue.
Affected containers must be sent back to warewashing to be properly cleaned and sanitized prior to next use.
2. Several spouts on the beverage dispenser were unclean with debris and mold-like accumulation.
Beverage spouts must be detail cleaned and sanitized before use.
3. Rubber soda gun holster at the bar contains a pink-orange bacteria-like substance.
Clean and sanitize prior to next use.
Proper cold holding temperature
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
1. Tempura shrimp at the cook-line, prepared at 10:30 am, was measured at 75°F.
Food must be held cold (41°F and below) or hot (135°F and above).
Affected product was discarded during inspection.
2. A large tub of shrimp in the walk-in cooler was measured at 57°F.
Affected product was discarded during inspection.
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons
Inspector Comments
1. Dead mice observed in the following locations:
* Employee restroom.
* Floor to the right of the ice machine.
* In utility room.
2. Mouse droppings observed in the following areas:
* Utility closet.
* Hot water heater room.
* Floor adjacent to office/sushi prep.
* Bar glass storage cabinet next to sliding-top beer cooler.
* Floor to left of kitchen double-entry doors.
3. Dead roaches found in the following areas:
* Alcohol storage room.
* Hibachi stations.
* Kitchen entry, to left of double-doors.
* Utility room.
* Hot water heater closet.
* Floor adjacent to office/sushi prep.
All droppings, dead mice and dead roaches must be removed and discarded. Affected areas must be thoroughly cleaned.
Most recent pest control service report (09-11-23) viewed during inspection.
Contact facility's exterminator with findings. Service must be requested immediately. Monitoring and treatment frequenct must be increased.
Forward pest control report to this Department.
Non-food contact surfaces clean
Inspector Comments
1. Drain lines below the bar area ice bins are coated with a black mold-like substance.
2. Heavy grease accumulations are present below (to each side of) the hibachi cook surfaces.
Surfaces must be cleaned and maintained to reduce conditions conducive to pest activity.
A1 Japanese Steak House
Inspection Date: 07/26/2023
(View Inspection Report)
Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized
Inspector Comments
Facility is using a mixture of hot water and fresh lemon wedges in which to dip cleaned and sanitized utensils, prior to wiping with a polishing cloth.
This procedure must be discontinued.
After cleaning and sanitizing, equipment and utensils:
(A) Shall be air-dried or used after adequate draining as specified in the first paragraph of 40 CFR 180.940 Tolerance exemptions for active and inert ingredients for use in antimicrobial formulations (food-contact surface sanitizing solutions), before contact with food; and
(B) May not be cloth dried except that utensils that have been
air-dried may be polished with cloths that are maintained clean and dry.
Proper cooling time & temperature
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
Recently cooked shrimp tempura was found on the cook-line at 85°F. Product was fried within the hour. Shrimp was relocated to the walk-in for proper cooling.
Cooked time/temperature control for safety (TCS) food must be cooled as follows:
(1) Within 2 hours, from 135°F to 70°F.
(2) Within 6 hours, from 135°F to 41°F or less
Facility must maintain proper cooling logs to provide documentation of time and temperature.
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons
Inspector Comments
1. Dead roaches found on glue board at kitchen cook-line.
Affected glue board was discarded during inspection.
Replace with new.
2. Rodent droppings observed on floor near office/employee restroom.
Remove and discard droppings.
Contact facility's exterminator with findings and for additional monitoring and treatment.
Single-use & single-service articles: properly stored & used
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
Single-use plastic soup take-out containers found being stored unbagged in the employee restroom.
Single-service and single-use articles may not be stored in a toilet room.
Affected containers must be discarded.
Employee removed containers during inspection.
A1 Japanese Steak House
Inspection Date: 07/12/2023
(View Inspection Report)
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons
Inspector Comments
Dead roaches observed in several areas of facility:
* Hibachi customer seating floor
* Warewashing floor
* Cook-line floor and shelving
* Prep area floor
* Utility room
Minimal glue boards available for activity monitoring.
Facility's exterminator was contacted during visit. Exterminator will be on-site 07-13-23 @ 10 am.
Remove and discard all dead roaches. Clean affected areas.
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons
Inspector Comments
Numerous rodent droppings observed on floor throughout the kitchen and storage/utility areas.
Remove and discard droppings.
Clean affected areas.
Review findings with facility's exterminator.
Physical facilities installed, maintained, & clean
Inspector Comments
Floors and wall junctions in kitchen, warewashing and prep areas as well as hibachi stations in customer seating area are unclean with grease and food debris accumulation.
Affected areas must be cleaned and diligently maintained to reduce conditions conducive to pest activity.
A1 Japanese Steak House
Inspection Date: 05/15/2023
(View Inspection Report)
Certification by accredited program, compliance with Code, or correct responses
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
There is no food safety manager certified by this Department (CFSM) on duty as required. A CFSM must be on duty at all times the facility is open and/or food is being prepared. A completed application(SA-71)for CFSM, or proof of enrollment in an approved safety class must be submitted to the Department.
CFSM arrived during inspection.
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons
Inspector Comments
1. Numerous dead and alive german cockroaches at various life stages observed in glue traps throughout the kitchen, prep area and cabinetry.
2. Rodent droppings observed on floor in kitchen (particularly near office and ice machine areas) and bar.
Most recent pest control documentation available (04-10-23) was reviewed during visit. Manager stated that pest control vendor had been on-site since the 4-10-23 visit. Document scanned into DHD.
Accumulation of water, food and debris are providing conditions favorable to insect infestations and must be eliminated.
A1 Japanese Steak House
Inspection Date: 04/05/2023
(View Inspection Report)
Proper eating, tasting, drinking, or tobacco use
Inspector Comments
Warewashing employee observed drinking from disposable, capped water bottle.
An employee may not eat, drink or use any form of tobacco unless the use occurs in designated areas where the contamination of exposed food; clean equipment, utensils and linens; unwrapped single-service and single-use articles; or other items needing protection cannot result.
Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized
Inspector Comments
Aluminum ice scoop found in cook-line handwashing sink. Item was relocated to the 3-compartment sink by BCDH inspector.
During inspection food employee took scoop out of 3-compartment sink, rinsed under running water and placed back into the handwashing sink.
Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
No sanitizing solution was detected at the low-heat, chemical-sanitizing mechanical dishwasher.
Container of chlorine-based sanitizing solution was replaced during inspection. 50 ppm Chlorine residual measured thereafter.
Proper cold holding temperature
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
1. Uncooked chicken, measured at 68°F, was found in a bus tray of standing water at the 3-compartment sink.
Affected product was discarded during inspection.
2. A large bowl of shimp in the walk-in cooler was measured at 67°F.
Ambient temperature of unit and all other items measured in unit, were found to be within cold-holding temperature requirements.
Time/temperature control for safety (TCS) food must be cold held at or below 41ºF.
Affected product was discarded during inspection.
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
Rear exterior door found propped open.
Door was closed dring inspection to protect against pest/vector entry.
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons
Inspector Comments
1. Numerous dead and alive cockroaches (in various life stages) were found on glue boards throughout kitchen areas.
2. Rodent droppings observed on the floor in multiple areas of facility's kitchen.
Discard filled glue boards and rodent droppings.
Clean affected areas and maintain to reduce conditions conducive to pest activity.
Facility must contact their exterminator immediately with findings and for additional treatment and monitoring.
Contact this Department to coordinate compliance inspection when pest control technician will be present.
Personal cleanliness
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
Food workers were observed not wearing hair restraints as required.
Employees shall wear hair restraints such as hats, hair coverings or nets, that are effectively designed and worn to keep their hair from contacting exposed food; clean equipment, utensils and linens; and unwrapped single-service and single-use articles.
Affected employees donned hair restraints during inspection.
Physical facilities installed, maintained, & clean
Inspector Comments
Grout has detiorated between floor tiles in various areas of the kitchen (particularly at the mechanical dishwasher and 3-compartment sink). Voids left by deteriorated grout have filled with debris, liquid and residue.
Replace grout to ensure a floor surface which is smooth, easily cleaned and non-absorbent.
A1 Japanese Steak House
Inspection Date: 03/22/2023
(View Inspection Report)
No violations were marked out on this inspection.
A1 Japanese Steak House
Inspection Date: 03/20/2023
(View Inspection Report)
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons
Inspector Comments
1. Dead and alive cockroaches observed in kitchen and in hibachi stations.
2. Numerous rodent droppings found in rear areas of kitchen (behind ice machine, sushi freezer and near office/employee restroom) and in utility room.
Discard all droppings and dead roaches/filled glueboards.
Facility's pest control vendor was contacted during inspection for additional monitoring and treatment, to be performed by tomorrow.
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons
Inspector Comments
An air gap is present below the rear kitchen exterior door. Facility's use of a cut aluminum can is an inadequate repair.
Replace door sweep or provide equivalant protection against pest entry.
Non-food contact surfaces clean
Inspector Comments
Heavy accumulation of grease and food debris/residue is present on bottom/sides/waste trays of hibachi stations.
These areas must be thoroughly cleaned and maintained to prevent conditions conducive to pest activity.
A1 Japanese Steak House
Inspection Date: 04/25/2022
(View Inspection Report)
Certification by accredited program, compliance with Code, or correct responses
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
There is no food safety manager certified by this Department (CFSM) on duty as required. A CFSM must be on duty at all times the facility is open and/or food is being prepared.
CFSM arrived at facility during inspection.
Adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
The hand wash sinks at the Sushi station and next to the kitchen 3-compartment sink, contain bowls, utensils, etc.
A handwashing facility shall be maintained so that it is accessible at all times for employee use.
Food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated
Corrected On-Site.
Inspector Comments
Fruit flies found in alcohol bottles (Baccardi Gold, Jim Beam Black).
Affected product was discarded during inspection.
Food in good condition, safe, & unadulterated
Inspector Comments
"White Tuna" offered at the sushi station, was found to be Escolar (confirmed by product label in sushi freezer).
"Escolar" must be referenced on menu and to customers for accurate representation of product offered.
Food separated & protected
Inspector Comments
Pre-plated salad servings in bowls on large stainless steel baking trays are stacked several-high in the BeverageAir 2-door refrigerator. No food contact protection is provided between the salad inside each bowl and the bottom of the above-stacked tray.
Provide plastic wrap or equivalent protection against food contact with equipment surfaces.
Food separated & protected
Inspector Comments
Raw animal-derived Time/Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) product (fish) are being stored directly over ready to eat foods (cut fruit) in the walk-in cooler.
Raw, animal-derived TCS products must be stored below ready to eat foods.
Time as a public health control; procedures & record
Inspector Comments
Containers of room temperature bread crumbs/flour/etc used for breading of chicken and seafood (not sifted) do not show a time when they are to be discarded.
If time, rather than temperature, is used as the public health control the food shall be marked or otherwise identified to indicate the time that is 4 hours past the point in time when the food is removed from temperature control.
Products in question must be disarded at 3:00 pm and labeled with 4-hour time control thereafter.
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons
Inspector Comments
1. Dead cockroaches of various life stages found in the following areas:
* Bottom of sliding-top bar cooler
* Within liquor storage cabinet (behind sushi)
* Floor of hot water heater closet
2. Rodent droppings observed in the following locations:
* Utility closet
* Kitchen floor, outside of office
* Employee restroom floor
Remove and discard all dead roaches and rodent droppings. Clean affected areas. Replace glue traps in areas of roach activity. Check rodent traps for activity.
Contact facility's exterminator with findings and for additional monitoring and treatment.
3. An air gap is present between the door sweep and the door opening (when closed). Adjust sweep or provide equivalent protection against pest/vector entry.