Proper eating, tasting, drinking, or tobacco use
Inspector Comments
Employee food product was observed being stored inside the ice machine in the basement prep kitchen. Ice is used for customer drinks, product cooling and other various kitchen uses and may not be used to store food inside the machine.
Must discuss proper locations for employee items and educate employees on proper use of equipment
Adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
Inspector Comments
Hand sink on the cook line is not supplied with paper towels. All hand washing stations must have soap and paper towels at all times.
Must provide
Proper hot holding temperature
Inspector Comments
Facility is storing food products on the shelves above the cook line. Although this location is hot, products are not being mechanically maintained at proper temperature.
Must not use these shelves for food storage.
Discarded pork fat and grits that were being kept on these shelves
Proper cold holding temperature
Inspector Comments
Ice baths on expo line are not being set up correctly. All ice baths must be set up with the product submerged in ice to the top of the product to be cold held.
Must provide more ice, and maintain these ice baths properly or they will not be permitted to be used. Strongly recommend adding more refrigeration on the cook line to eliminate temperature control issues
Food properly labeled; original container
Inspector Comments
Several squeeze bottles of liquid are found in the expo station. There were no labels stating what the product was. Must ensure labels are being placed on all generic bottles to ensure identification of correct item.
Contamination prevented during food preparation, storage & display
Inspector Comments
Several plastic quart containers are being used to scoop bulk items such as flour.
All dispensing of food items must be conducted with handled scoops or utensils. Containers without handles must be removed from use
Physical facilities installed, maintained, & clean
Inspector Comments
Mechanical ware washing station in the basement prep kitchen is set up with hanging aprons and sheet trays to block splash from the shelving unit that is placed directly next to loading rack.
Spoiled linens and trays may not be used as a permanent solution to a splash guard.
Must install a cleanable, non-porous splash guard in this area or must move the shelving that is in danger of being soiled by the spray of the loading rack