Certification by accredited program, compliance with Code, or correct responses
Inspector Comments
There is no food safety manager certified by this Department (CFSM) on duty as required. A CFSM must be on duty at all times the facility is open and/or food is being prepared. A completed application(SA-71)for CFSM, or proof of enrollment in an approved safety class must be submitted to the Department.
Adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible
Inspector Comments
Upon arrival, hand washing sink in the kitchen was being blocked by a tray of tortillas and other items.
All hand sinks must remain clear and accessible at all times.
This hand sink was also not supplied with soap or paper towels.
All hand sinks must be supplied with soap and paper towels for proper hand washing.
Food separated & protected
Inspector Comments
Fresh cactus, tomatillos, tomatoes, onions, and other dry goods are being stored on the floor of the kitchen.
All food storage must be 6 inches or higher off of ground surface.
Dry goods, such as take out containers and portion cups are being stored on the floor in the back hallway. All items must be moved to shelving that is elevated off of the ground surface.
Food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized
Inspector Comments
Ice machine is unclean with an accumulation of mold-like build up.
Must discard all ice, clean and sanitize machine, and restart after cleaning.
Proper cold holding temperature
Inspector Comments
Prep Unit, and two reach in refrigerators, the only refrigerators that are in the kitchen, are not holding proper temperature.
All units have internal temperatures of 54-60F.
Time/Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) foods must be cold held at 41F or below.
All TCS foods must be discarded and refrigeration not used until it can be repaired to hold 41F or below.
Facility has no back up refrigeration, or walk in cooler, and therefore, due to lack of refrigeration, facility must close.
Thermometer provided & accurate
Inspector Comments
There are no thermometers to monitor temperature of refrigeration.
Must provide thermometers in a visible location in all refrigeration for staff to monitor.
Insects, rodents & animals not present; no unauthorized persons
Inspector Comments
Back door was opening during inspection. All outer openings must be sealed or protected from outside contaminates.
Must keep door closed or provide a screen door.
Contamination prevented during food preparation, storage & display
Inspector Comments
Portion cups are being used to scoop bulk product. All dispensing of food products, must be done with handled scoops to eliminate contamination from food employees hands. Remove portion cups and replace with handled scoops.
Wiping cloths: properly used & stored
Inspector Comments
Numerous unclean wiping cloths are found throughout the kitchen.
No sanitizer containers were being used to store used towels.
Must provide containers to store wiping cloths in sanitizer when not in use.
In-use utensils: properly stored
Inspector Comments
Spatulas and utensils are being stored in standing water.
All utensils, when not in use, must be stored in a smooth, easily cleanable location.
Standing water is not permitted to be used to store utensils.
Must discontinue allowing spatulas to sit in standing water.
Physical facilities installed, maintained, & clean
Inspector Comments
Facility is unclean throughout. Under 3 compartment sink, behind equipment, in not easily accessible locations.
Must provide a deep and detailed cleaning and maintain.